WOW! We had snow this week what great fun we had!! And of course there was our first school nativity 'Whoops a Daisy Angel' those that were well enough did a fantastic job.
We have all worked really hard this week practicing our play Whoops a Daisy Angel. We have learnt the songs and are really good at the actions. Its been hard remembering when we should be on and off the stage but we are sure we will have mastered it by next week. Obviously no photos of us all in our costumes we don't want to ruin the surprise!!!
We had a lovely time this week in the Nature Area finding creepy crawlies and using our measuring skills. We played under the canopy and balanced on the tree stumps to see who was the tallest. Who has found the longest stick? We measured them making sure they both started at the same point. We stood with the sun behind us and tried to see how we could make our shadows longer and shorter.I wonder who had the longest shadow?